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Permanent Psychiatry: General Job in White Plains, New York


  • Position Type: Permanent
  • Recruited Specialty: Psychiatry: General
  • Does the Physician Need To Be Trained In Specialty Being Recruited: Yes
  • Structure of Position: Employed by Hospital/Clinic/MSO/Other
  • Partnership Opportunity: Unknown
  • Expected Patient Call Coverage: No call
  • Expected ER Call Coverage: No call
Practice Details

Director of PROS

Full-time Salary Position

Compensation low-mid 200’s based on board certification and experience


Position Summary

PROS is an outpatient psychiatric rehab program for patients with serious mental illness.  Caseload about 175 patients. The director of Pros will oversee the program and report directly to the chief medical officer.  This position is a Monday-Friday work week with a combination of clinical and administrative responsibilities.

PROS Program

Personalized Recovery-Oriented Services (PROS) is a comprehensive program for individuals with serious mental illness. The PROS program helps people to overcome barriers and develop resources that can help them attain a valued life in the community by integrating treatment support and rehabilitation to help participants to achieve their goals. The PROS program is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., but individual schedules are worked out with each client after goals are established. PROS services are covered by Medicaid, Medicare and some private insurance will cover the clinical component.

Goals for participants in the program can include attaining higher levels of education and training, obtaining and keeping a job, and finding a preferred living situation. These goals are achieved by working on improved functioning, reducing hospitalization, reducing emergency services and reducing contact with the criminal justice system.

There are four components in the PROS program:

Community Rehabilitation and Support (CRS)

·         Basic recovery services engage and assist participants in living successfully in the community by managing their mental illness and restoring skills and support necessary for recovery.

Intensive Rehabilitation (IR)

·         Assists participants in attaining specific goals in areas such as education, employment, and housing

·         Provides intensive relapse prevention to reduce the risk of hospitalization or involvement in the criminal justice system

·         Provides intensive co-occurring disorder treatment

·         Provides family psychoeducation

Ongoing Rehabilitation and Support

·         Provides support to participants who are in the competitive workplace, including community-based counseling sessions.

Clinical Support

·         Helps and individual managing disabling symptoms with services such as medication management, health assessment, clinical counseling and therapy. Services are integrated with rehabilitative services to provide comprehensive care. Please note that if clients have maintained long-standing relationships with outside clinicians, they can discuss continuing with the psychiatrist and therapist as an alternative to using the PROS clinical service while they are participating in the rehabilitative components. Our program staff collaborate well with outside clinicians. 

Financial Details
  • Structure of Financial Support: Straight Employment
  • Financial Offering: $225,000 - $249,999
  • Relocation Allowance: Negotiable
  • Signing Bonus: Negotiable
  • Stipends: Negotiable
  • Student Loan Assistance: Negotiable
Community Information
Candidate Qualifications
  • Location of Medical Training: American Medical Graduate (AMG), Foreign Medical Graduate (FMG)
  • Medical Training Type: Allopathic (MD), Osteopathic (DO)
  • Board Certification: Board Certified
  • Work Status Requirements: US Citizen, Green Card
  • Preferred Experience Level: Experienced, Very Experienced
  • Accept Local Physicians within 25 mile Radius: Yes
Facility Details
  • Facility Type: Hospital
  • Number of Hospital Beds: 100
  • Number of ER Visits Per Year:
  • Number of Deliveries Per Year:
Contact Information
  • Agency: Elite Health Source, Inc.