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Permanent Family Practice: Outpatient Only Job in Dinwiddie, Virginia

The health care center is committed to providing health care services to individuals and families of the community. Services include on-site delivery of all the following: primary care; diagnostic laboratory and radiologic services; preventive services including perinatal services; cancer and other disease screening; well child services; immunizations against vaccine-preventable diseases; screening for elevated blood lead levels, communicable diseases and cholesterol; eye, ear and dental screening for children; family planning services and preventive dental services; emergency medical and dental services; pharmaceutical services; and mental health, substance abuse services and other enabling services. Services are provided by a culturally competent staff cognizant of the importance of patient literacy in a safe and quality environment.

I am interested in the Permanent Family Practice: Outpatient Only Job in Dinwiddie, Virginia. If the position is still accepting new applicants please respond so I can discuss my qualifications with you.

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