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Permanent Family Practice (w/o OB) Job in Williamston, North Carolina

Looking for a new Family Medicine physician to join an expanding practice. The new physician will be placed in Williamstion to allow current providers to move to our secondary service areas. Experience serving as a medical director of an urgent care facility a plus, but not required. Martin County, and the primary service area of Martin General, is drastically underserved in terms of primary care providers. Lokking for a provider to step into our Martin Family Medicine practice and hit the ground running. Three new physicians were recruited into the practice in 2014 and formed a strong team for the new provider to step into. Ties to eastern North Carolina plus working in a rural setting are a definite pluses.

I am interested in the Permanent Family Practice (w/o OB) Job in Williamston, North Carolina. If the position is still accepting new applicants please respond so I can discuss my qualifications with you.

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