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Permanent Family Practice (w/o OB) Job in Dayton, Ohio

Family Practice Physician Job near Dayton, Ohio (7407). The employed model for a Dayton area hospital is seeking a family practitioner to join the family practice team. They currently employ over 30 providers in specialties of family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, OB/GYN, endocrinology, and ENT. They are growing their family practice team as the recent hospital medical staff development plan showed that the population to physician ratios, outmigration, and physician life cycles of their current medical staff indicate a clear need for more family practitioners in the hospital service area. This is a hospital-employed position with a salary, incentive plan, rich benefits package, signing bonus, and relocation assistance. If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity, please call HDA at 770-772-4558, or text to 770-772-4558. You can also reach us through email at Please reference Job ID # 7407

I am interested in the Permanent Family Practice (w/o OB) Job in Dayton, Ohio. If the position is still accepting new applicants please respond so I can discuss my qualifications with you.

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