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Permanent Family Practice (w/o OB) Job in Louisville, Kentucky

Family Medicine Physician Job near Louisville, KY. Opportunity for a Family Medicine Physician near Louisville, KY is open. This is a Residency Faculty Physician position. The residency program is affiliated with the University of Louisville and will be the only one locally of its kind, beginning its first academic semester in the summer of 2020. A University-sponsored program hosting six resident slots per year (total of 18). Candidates must be board-certified. Facility has a brand-new clinic space with eighteen exam rooms and four classrooms. Competitive compensation is being offered with full benefits. If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity, please call or text HDA at 770-772-4558 . You can also reach us through email at Please reference Job ID # j-8989.

I am interested in the Permanent Family Practice (w/o OB) Job in Louisville, Kentucky. If the position is still accepting new applicants please respond so I can discuss my qualifications with you.

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