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Permanent Hematology/Oncology Job in Fort Worth, Texas

Hematology Oncology Physician Job near Fort Worth, Texas. Hematology-Oncology Physician Job near Fort Worth, TX A BC/BE hematology-oncology physician is needed to practice at the largest regional medical center in Midwest Texas. Practicing and experienced physicians as well as residents will be considered. Candidates must also be licensed in Texas or eligible. Relocation, marketing, sign-on bonus and stipend can be offered. Possible partnership options. # J-6044. If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity, please call HDA at 770-772-4558, or text to 770-772-4558. You can also reach us through email at Please reference Job ID # j-6044

I am interested in the Permanent Hematology/Oncology Job in Fort Worth, Texas. If the position is still accepting new applicants please respond so I can discuss my qualifications with you.

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